Challenge Description
Are you able to cheat me and get the flag?
Provided Files
$ file impossible_password.bin
impossible_password.bin: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=ba116ba1912a8c3779ddeb579404e2fdf34b1568, stripped
Executing impossible_password.bin, whatever we input after *
it will print it back inside square bracket, and then exit:
$ ./impossible_password.bin
* test
Running strings
on the binary, we notice the string SuperSeKretKey
$ strings impossible_password.bin
which used as input gets us to the next step:
$ ./impossible_password.bin
* SuperSeKretKey
** whatever
but we don’t know the next password to continue.
In Ghidra, inside the void FUN_0040085d(void)
function we find the strcmp
for the second password, and an if
statement whose code block is executed if the password is correct:
iVar1 = strcmp(local_28,__s2);
if (iVar1 == 0) {
To get around this check, we can simply patch the assembly instruction corresponding to the if
statement from JNZ
00400968 75 0c JNZ LAB_00400976
to JZ
00400968 74 0c JZ LAB_00400976
Executing the patched binary, whatever we input as the second password we get the flag:
$ chmod +x impossible_password_patched.bin
$ ./impossible_password_patched.bin
* SuperSeKretKey
** whatever